WindowPC releases Sting 517D2 Gaming Laptop

WindowPC, a leader in cutting-edge PC hardware, has announced the availability of its new gaming notebook PC, dubbed the Sting 517D2. It is based on Nvidia 8800M GTX DirectX.

Compatible with 10 video cards by NVIDIA, this latest gaming laptop is a first-of-its kind to feature NVIDIA’s GeForce 8800M GTX graphics processor. It is equipped with 512MB of DDR3 video memory, 96 stream processors and supports unsurpassed HD DVD and Blu-ray Disc picture clarity.

“The new GeForce 8800M GPUs allow gamers to have the ultimate gaming experience on a mobile platform,” maintained Joshua McClure, General Manager at WidowPC. “These new 8800M video cards are exactly what the doctor ordered to play Crysis at advanced levels of visual realism. We’re proud to be the first in North America to ship this incredible performance enhancer.”

NVIDIA’s new PowerMizer battery extending technology offers a best-in-class gaming experience. Sting 517D2 runs on Intel Core2 Duo CPU’s and sports a 17-inch WUXGA high definition display with Camera of 1920×1200 pixel resolution, up to 4GB of 667MHz DDR memory + 1GB of Intel Turbo Memory and up to 200GB of 7200RPM hard drive storage.

It also bundles Bluetooth, fingerprint reader and carry case.

Pricing starts at $2,799, the NVIDIA 8800M GTX Laptop - the Sting 517D2 is available for order and shipment now.