Website Templates

Website development solutions can be out of the budgets of some individual web masters and businesses. Fortunately, there are simple and affordable do-it-yourself website solutions that allow people to build professional style websites. A website template is a very effective tool to create a custom site and launch it on the world wide web for anyone to browse. Building a site from scratch requires professional services that often use HTML editors to construct the technical architecture of a website.

A website template is preloaded with all of the scripts and other programming jargon that average people simply don't need to know. In fact, website templates do not even require any knowledge in basic HTML. Anyone that can browse the internet is able to create a website with a template. A drag and drop concept is applied to building websites through template based designs.

For example, a template is loaded with neat and organized layouts that are ready to be filled with personalized content. There are placeholders for images, videos, articles, text and other content. Trying to build a website with Network Solutions is an example of using templates to create custom sites. Template based websites also have place holders that can be used to run various multimedia applications. For example, an empty box may prompt users to copy and paste any code for Javascript and other applications that are typically integrated into websites.

Some advanced template websites boast a responsive design. In other words, such sites are already optimized to be displayed properly on different devices such as smartphones, tablets and desktops. Responsive website design in templates essentially shrinks all website content according to the screen resolution of a device. By contrast, traditional websites are often scaled down without any proportions. The scaling down forces users on different devices to scroll up or sideways to view an entire webpage.

The front end of template websites can be customized easily in a matter of seconds. Color schemes can be changed with the click of a button. By contrast, traditional web design requires using CSS scripting in order to make bulk changes to all pages on a website. Templates eliminate the need to manually enter the HTML code for specific colors on websites. Templates can also be loaded with modern applications such as maps and forms. A contact page needs to have a form that requests users to fill out different fields.