Orkut has been tweaking and adding new features from time to time, some of the most awaited features included adding images and videos in the Orkut scraps, or in short sending multimedia scraps. Ant at last Orkut came with something like that, now you can easily make your scrap multimediac and you don’t even need to re-invent the wheel for that.
1. Adding images to Orkut scraps
Copy and paste urls ending in .jpg, .gif, .png or .bmp and the image will appear in the scrap.
For example, http://abcdegf.com/xyz.jpg .
Orkut will automatically parse these links into the live images. This was awaited from long back.
2. Adding videos from Youtube and Google Videos
Copy and paste the url and the video will appear in the scrap. For example, http://youtube.com/watch? v=xbfgs78 > Google is way too smart, they are integrating all their tols together. Though Google videos has been offered now.
3. Adding sound files and songs
Copy and paste the url of an audio file and an audio player will appear in the scrap. For example, http://abcdegh.com/xyzpqr.mp3. I liked this feature the most.
4. Adding html-embeddable objects
Um .. not sure if too many people will be able to utilize this feature because the HTML people are only limited. Nice feature for web savvy Orkutters by the way. You just need to paste the html embed code in Orkut scraps to share it with your friends.
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